You have a large class of older students. Through data collection, you find that a few of them are substantially behind in reading. You want to...
Through the years, I’ve visited classrooms all around the world.
I recently visited a classroom full of inquisitive students...
In 2019, I began a doctorate while simultaneously enrolling in an educators' course on mindfulness in the classroom and a separate course focused...
Here Are 5 Reasons.
- When taught one-on-one, this systematic reading builds confident readers. The programming progresses in an emotionally sound...
If you are:
- Moving to a new school
- Needing information for a meeting with a specialist
- Doing a reading assessment to create action steps or...
A new grade 4 student arrived at the school, in the middle of the school year. There wasn’t any data from her former school. There...
Do your students or loved ones:
- find it challenging to get started on a task that requires reading and writing?
- have difficulty with stamina,...
Today, I was searching for a specialized program for one of my students. Nearly every tutoring service I explored emphasized the concept of the...
Every school year, I was approached by worried parents and caretakers with this question:
"Will my student’s reading difficulties go...
Assessing reading progress is VERY important to moving the reader along at the JUST RIGHT pace. For this to happen, the reading, strategies,...
I love this picture above. Learning at it’s finest! These were my favorite moments as a teacher and reading specialist.
Learning anything new takes time. Lots of little baby steps add up. If a reader LOVES reading, you’ll see these steps move faster...