How Do I Know If My Reader Is Reading A “Just Right” Book (Or Is It Too Easy or Hard?)

assessing reading progress expat living online programs for struggling readers online reading programs for struggling readers reading assessment reading comprehension tutoring reading program Mar 19, 2024

Assessing reading progress is VERY important to moving the reader along at the JUST RIGHT pace.  For this to happen, the reading, strategies, and content need to be individualized.  Although there are guidelines, all readers learn at a different pace.   Groups don’t develop the same and sometimes this thought inside schools, can leave students behind.  The combination of information a teacher gains from the analysis of keeping data, or what teachers like to use, “running record” is key.  We look at fluency, comprehension through both qualitative and quantitative measures.  

How does a teacher determine the “just right” level for a reader?  How do we know it’s not too easy or not too hard?

There are common guidelines to help teachers analyze.  It’s not guesswork.  Here is the quantitative way (and I am providing a sample picture running record, of what that looks like on the teacher’s side of things):

So, here is what we do:

Accuracy Rate

Accuracy rate is expressed as a percentage. You can calculate the accuracy rate by using the following formula:

(Total words read – total errors) / total words read x 100 = Accuracy rate.

(TW - E) / TW x 100 = AR


(120 – 6) / 120 x 100 = Accuracy rate

114/120 x 100 = Accuracy rate

.95 x 100 = 95%

A reader who reads 95% of the words right (fluently), on a page and can understand what they read- is in an independent book- meaning they can read it on their own easily.

The instructional level, we shoot for about a 90%-94% level correct on a page.  This is where we teach.  The books and strategies we use are going to be “here”

If a reader makes mistakes more than 90% of the time, the text is too hard for them at that moment.  The frustration level is too high.  There are too many stops and starts, fluency breaks down, and comprehension is low.  This is why I am careful with what we read, making sure it’s “just right”.

Insights into Comprehension Beyond Accuracy

I don’t know about you, but that’s alot to think about (on my end, I’ve got this covered for you…you don’t have to worry about it)  In case you are interested…here is a breakdown of what's generally considered acceptable in terms of accuracy:

  • Independent Level: 95-100% accuracy (For 50 words, 0-2 errors)
  • Instructional Level: 90-94% accuracy (For 50 words, 3-5 errors)
  • Frustration Level: Below 90% accuracy (For 50 words, more than 5 errors)

And then, there is the qualitative way to gauge where a reader is at:

  • Do they understand what they just read, or are they simply repeating and rereading what they just read?
  • How do they approach new words they don’t know?  Can they use context to guess the meaning of the word?
  • When discussing the text, how much detail do they include?
  • Are they making a certain “type” of error?  What strategies are they not implementing?  Are they going to fast?  Are they skipping over words?
  • Are they interested in the content?  How?

Assessing reading progress is key to moving them along at the proper developmental rate. It’s not guesswork. And with years of using these data-collecting strategies, I’ve taken the worry away from parents, loved ones, and adult readers who struggle. I figure out where you need to be, and move you forward. I love doing it too. For me, it’s like a puzzle to solve, and, if you knew me, you’d know I NEVER give up on a puzzle! 

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