reading course

Why I Became a Private Reading Specialist: My Story

expat living online reading programs for struggling readers reading course reading teacher readingcomprehension readingdifficulties readinghelp readingintervention readingsupport Feb 27, 2024

Hey everyone! I'm excited to share my journey with you from teaching in classrooms around the world to becoming a private reading specialist. Here's how it all went down.

The Early Days

I've always been passionate about teaching reading. Over the years, I've dug into research, played around with different teaching methods, and created lesson plans that really worked for my students. I loved seeing the lightbulb moments when a student finally "got it."

A Friend's Suggestion

One of my teacher friends noticed how much effort I put into teaching reading. I was also becoming a single parent leaving our home to move across the world alone with my 4 little ones.  Working in a traditional job from 9-5 would no longer be possible without a partner.  I didn’t know how I would do it, while continuing the only life we’ve known…a family living abroad as expats.  My friend suggested that when I moved, I should take my reading system private. The idea was to teach online, but back then, right before COVID, Zoom and other online learning platforms weren’t solid.  Zoom wasn't a thing, and the whole concept felt pretty out there. So, I didn't really think much about it.  

Life Throws a Curveball

Fast forward a bit, and COVID hit. Suddenly, I was at home with my four kids.  Not in a way where we were free to travel and go to school.  We were literally locked-down, as I’m sure you were too….trying to figure out how to work and homeschool at the same time. The idea of starting a private practice online started to make more sense, but I didn’t know how to teach struggling readers remotely.  There was no way I was ready to pursue anything so lofty.  So instead, it made more sense at this time of my life, to start a doctorate, and enter into a student coaching and mindfulness certification program (I’m being sarcastic here.  Why I started so much is beyond me!)

Trying Different Paths

Over the next few years, I tried a bunch of different things. I worked as an education consultant, went back to teaching in the classroom, and even did some tutoring on the side. But nothing felt as right as teaching reading. I loved helping kids who struggled with reading find their confidence and joy in books.

The Turning Point

Three years after my friend's suggestion, I decided to go for it. I became a private reading specialist, focusing on helping kids in Bali, where we ended up living. It was amazing to see how much progress my students could make when I could work with them consistently, one-on-one.

Why It Works

In a traditional classroom, teachers have to juggle so many things at once. It's tough to give each student the individual attention they need, especially when it comes to something as complex as reading. But when I get to privately work with a student one-on-one, I can tailor everything to their specific needs, pulling from evidence-based, research-based, and battle-tested strategies I’ve used through the years. I can assess, collect information, and see exactly where they're struggling and help them overcome those hurdles.

More Than Just Reading

I quickly realized that teaching reading was about more than just phonics and vocabulary. A lot of my students needed help with anxiety and confidence too. So, I started incorporating mindfulness and calming strategies into my lessons. It made a huge difference in helping them relax and focus on learning.

The Impact

Now, I'm helping more and more expat families who are looking for support with reading. It's been incredible to see the transformation in my students. I've had parents tell me that their kids went from avoiding reading to not being able to put books down. That's the kind of stuff that makes it all worth it.

Looking Back

When I think back to my friend's suggestion all those years ago, I can't help but wonder…what took so long?  It’s such a great vehicle for students globally.  Strategic reading support isn’t always available when you are an expat abroad.  Still, I’ve found there to be so many families looking for this support.

What's Next

I'm excited to keep growing my practice and helping even more students discover the joy of reading. It's not just a job for me; it's a passion. And I feel lucky every day that I get to do what I love.

I hope you enjoyed hearing about my journey! If you have any questions or want to chat more about reading, feel free to reach out.

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