reading course

Reading is a Precious Gift

dyslexia reading programs expat living online programs for struggling readers online reading programs for struggling readers reading reading course Feb 21, 2024

"Reading should not be presented to children as a chore or duty. It should be offered to them as a precious gift." —Kate DiCamillo

This is great. But how?  And what if the “gift” is really hard to open, so they put it on a shelf day after day?

When a reading student comes to me for reading lessons, we start with a conversation about reading.  What’s great, not so great…what’s boring, what captures their attention.

The struggle isn’t always in the phonemes or fluency.

It is in the:

  • Anxiety around reading
  • Boredom because of lack of fluency and comprehension
  • Fear of judgment “Why can’t they read?”
  • Lack of quality individually created lesson planning at school
  • Lack of efficient and quality tools and strategies
  • Is there a specialist who understands the needs of the neurodiversity a reader might have?

There are SO many reading programs out there. Schools often adopt reading programs that are meant to be one-size-fits-all solutions, even Orton-Gillingham can be misused. While these programs are well-intentioned, they may not address the individual needs of each reader, unless a teacher creates individual lessons for a struggling reader.  But do they have the time and energy to do this?  Even if they did, how consistent is it?  I ask these questions because I’ve been there.  For over 15 years!

Creating an individualized reading lesson based on the student’s individual needs is SO important!

What if, instead, we had time and energy to create an individualized reading program based on the student’s individual needs?

How do you create a program when there’s so many out there? This is where I shine. After working with a reader for a few sessions, gaps and needs rise to the top, and I see them! Those guide my focus as I move forward and help me determine where to take the learning next. 

Yes, I use the Orton Gillingham approach, this means I use a systematic multi-strategy hands-on approach. This keeps learning efficient. 

With my extensive experience, I have a wealth of evidence-based and research-backed techniques at my disposal. This allows me to easily identify issues and adapt our lessons as needed, ensuring effective and tailored instruction for each reader.

I utilize a comprehensive approach to learning that includes direct, explicit instruction using visual, auditory, and tactile methods. Recognizing that a reader's ability to focus is closely linked to their emotional well-being, I prioritize their mental health. To ensure readers are in the best possible mindset for learning, I offer a structured mindfulness curriculum, should it be necessary.

Research and Evidence Behind Reading and Mindfulness

Research has shown that mindfulness can significantly benefit struggling learners by helping them focus, improve confidence, and cultivate a better learning mindset. According to a study published in the Journal of Applied School Psychology, mindfulness practices were found to enhance attention and reduce anxiety among students with reading difficulties. Another study in the Journal of Child and Family Studies found that mindfulness interventions led to improvements in self-esteem and emotional regulation, which are crucial for learning.

Imagine if your struggling reader could have all this?  If you are interested, reach out for a call and let’s see if this reading course is right for you or a loved one.

 CLICK HERE if you want to receive a free sample of the course, or try a mindfulness lesson.

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