12 Weeks…Why?

education expat living online programs for struggling readers online reading programs for struggling readers reading course reading teacher readingcomprehension readinghelp readingsupport strugglingreaders Mar 05, 2024

I wanted to share with you a frequently asked question that comes up over and over.I "Why 12 weeks? Can I pay for each tutoring session?" or, "Can we just do a trial class?"

Action Steps Towards Your Reading Goal

This question often evokes memories for me, of some of the most pivotal meetings I've participated in during my years as a teacher and reading specialist. A team of approximately ten of us, including a parent,  would convene in a space dedicated to evaluating a specific student's progress and strategizing the next actions necessary for the student to achieve their goals. These sessions were not a daily or weekly occurrence. They were strategically set up every 12ish weeks.  

Occasionally, a teacher, a parent, or even the student themselves would express concerns with remarks like, "This approach isn't yielding results," or declare success with, "This worked... it's time to advance to the next stage!

Keeping Data

We would keep data each week. At about 12 weeks, we'd dig into the data the educators, parents, students, and specialists collected, and communicate together about how the action steps worked, or didn’t work. Did they reach their goal? No? Okay, let's break it down into smaller baby steps. “Yes…they met their goal? Meeting the goal usually had us all smiling and relieved, and we'd begin determining the next steps we'd take with the student for the next 12ish weeks.

How Long Should A Strategy Be Tried Before Giving Up?

Continuity and duration of implementing a strategy is important.  Their is a strategy behind 12 weeks.  According to a study published in the Journal of Educational Psychology, and others through time, have established that longer durations of intervention (12 weeks or more) were more effective in improving academic outcomes compared to shorter, or sprinkled in, interventions.

Creating a course of random strategies for a day, or a week, or random tutoring here and there is not my style. I want to see real reading growth, using evidence based and innovative new strategies - without it being overwhelming. Lots of little baby steps! These baby steps add up, and in about 6 weeks, real growth starts to be seen.

Are You Proactive?  YOU are in the driver’s seat!

My students are proactive. I hold them accountable and keep them on schedule, but they, ultimately are the driver.  They have to come ready and wanting to take the steps. These are the students who come into my course. 

Research is great. It gives me a place to begin when I work with students. But the battle-testing and the real results through the years are the icing on the cake. Everything to gain, nothing to lose.

When I think back to my days in the classroom, I remember student moments of struggle as they tried to read for weeks on end.  It was heartbreaking to see them fall behind their peers, feeling frustrated and defeated. Knowing what’s going at school, or out in the real world, when reading doesn’t come easy, has helped me structure and create the 12-week course in a way that gives me, the teacher, and the student freedom to pivot our action/baby steps to reach our goal.

Course Structure…Step by Step

The structure of the course is carefully designed to build like blocks…one on top of the other.  We start by learning (or relearning) sounds.  We spiral up and into strong foundations of phonemic awareness and phonics. We work on fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. Each week, we focus on a specific skill, ensuring that the students have ample time to practice and master it.  Of course, I collect data and share it out, to determine our next steps.

Individual Attention

One of the key components of the course is the individualized attention that each student receives. This allows us to do more in less time!  I love this aspect.  I take the time to get to know my students, understanding their strengths and weaknesses. This allows me to tailor the instruction to meet their unique needs. I'm not just a teacher; I'm a coach, a mentor, and a cheerleader. I'm there every step of the way, celebrating their successes and providing support when they face challenges.

90% of Students Show Growth

The progress that I've seen in my students, through the years, over the 12 weeks is truly remarkable. Every student succeeds?  In a traditional school setting, the results vary.  But in a systematic course where students are getting 1:1 attention for 12ish weeks, I’d say about 90% or more show sustained growth.  They start the course feeling uncertain and lacking confidence. But as the weeks go by, I see a transformation. They become more engaged (we do mindfulness stuff too), more confident, and more enthusiastic about reading. It's not just about improving their reading skills; it's about changing their reading mindset. They start to see themselves as capable and successful readers.

One of the most rewarding aspects of the course is the feedback I receive from parents. They tell me how their child is now reading for pleasure, how they're excited to go to the library, and how their grades have improved. It's a testament to the effectiveness of the 12-week format and the comprehensive approach I take.

So, there’s a method behind the 12-week duration of my reading course that is not arbitrary. It's based on research, experience, and a deep understanding of what it takes to make a lasting impact on a student's reading skills. It's about giving them the time, the tools, and the support they need to succeed. 

When someone asks me why 12 weeks, I tell them, "It's the path to reading improvement." And when they see the results, they understand.

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