A Reading Specialist Shares: For Older Struggling Readers, What Reading Interventions Work?

dyslexia older struggling reader online programs for struggling readers private reading practice reading intervention reading specialist readingstruggles Apr 22, 2024

Quick answer: There is no ONE broad stroke of interventions that will hold the magic key.  

But YES…with the right information, research shows (and I have seen hundreds of times) that the “right” intervention steps can (and will) work 

I recently read some articles about successful people who don’t read, or, who don’t “like” to  read.  I suppose these days, I too, am only reading when I get a chance.  Recipes, my news app, menus at restaurants, emails and messages.  Other than that, the only reading I get to do is the occasional book with my kids.  Successful people do read, they may not like it, or have struggled with it (and continue to struggle)- But they CAN read.  There are countless successful people (just Google it) who struggled with reading, but found personal strategies that worked for them.

There are years (decades) of evidence-based research that shows older readers, specifically after grade 3,  are in danger of “growing” struggles, and not just reading.  Other research supports this struggle can also lead to:

This is a danger, yes, but obviously, not how the story ends for countless successful readers.  I’d venture to say over 90% of struggling readers I’ve worked with in the expat community, with the right interventions, could comprehend and use their reading skills to do well in school and beyond.

To address the issue of dropping out, greater risk for unemployment, and achieving lower income levels among struggling readers, it's important to recognize that these challenges are complex and different for each reader. While there is no ONE quick fix, there are strategies and interventions that can be chosen…by a specialist or teacher, to make a meaningful and lasting, difference.

Research from over the years has consistently shown that early intervention and targeted support for struggling readers can significantly improve outcomes. For example, a study by the National Reading Panel found that interventions focusing on phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension can be part of an effective reading plan.

In terms of a fast fix, it's important to note that meaningful change often takes time and consistent effort. However, with the right support and interventions, significant improvements can be made. 

My recommendation is finding out:

  1. Where are you (or your loved one) now with your reading?  What is your literacy story?
  2. How to get an assessment that will give you and your teacher information such as:
    • How many words per minute do you read?
    • How many errors per page?
    • Are you self-correcting and if so, what does this sound like/look like?
    • How do you sound when you read?
    • Do you understand what you read?
  3. How a specialist or teacher can help: look at the assessment to develop concrete and achievable steps towards the big meaningful goal, which of course, is to understand and be literate.

I know there are deeper reasons for reading to be a struggle.  

If you find yourself limited by choices in your community, to help you overcome a reading struggle, there are more options than ever before, which can be super overwhelming. 

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