Finding Quality Reading Material for Struggling Readers

Apr 18, 2024

It’s a constant battle…trying to find the best content for my struggling reader.  Something that they will love, and has quality information that will actually teach them, AND they can practice their reading.

Can I make a suggestion?

You can find trustworthy, quality and engaging sites on the internet.  There’s a LOT of noise out there…but for older struggling readers- there’s some cool stuff.  News and current events that are impartial media, news, and current events?  Kid friendly and great for family discussions?  

Determining the quality of a free reading site involves considering several factors:

  1. Content Quality: Look for accurate, engaging, and age-appropriate reading material. Check if the content is well-written, with correct spelling and grammar.
  2. Educational Value: The site should offer reading material that aligns with educational standards and helps improve reading skills such as comprehension, vocabulary, and fluency.
  3. Interactive Features: Quality sites often include interactive elements like quizzes, games, or activities that enhance the reading experience and reinforce learning.
  4. User Experience: The site should be easy to navigate, with a clear layout and instructions. It should also be accessible on different devices.
  5. Credibility: Check if the site is endorsed by educators, schools, or educational organizations. Look for reviews or recommendations from trusted sources.At the end of the online page, there should be a publisher, names, authors…so you can track who wrote it and when it was written.
  6. Safety: Ensure the site is safe for children, with no inappropriate content or advertisements. Look for privacy policies that protect users' personal information. So many sites have advertisements.  I tend to stay away from these with my kids.
  7. Feedback and Progress Tracking: A good site may offer feedback on reading progress and provide tools for tracking and monitoring improvement over time.

How do you know what sites are reputable for you?  Please share!

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