Supporting Success: Key Steps to Help Older Struggling Readers Overcome Obstacles

everbody reads help for struggling readers mindfulness older struggling reader reading wellness student support teams Aug 21, 2024

The other day, as I sat in front of my computer reflecting on the online training workshop I had just conducted with global parents and educators of older struggling readers, several recurring themes emerged:

  • How do we help unfocused students find their focus?
  • Where do we find time for small groups, one-on-one sessions, and data collection?
  • Once we have the data, where do we begin?
  • How long should we focus on each step?

The most pressing question was: Where do we start?

As educators, we already use a wide range of effective tools to support our students, but we often feel uncertain when it comes to providing the right tools at the right time for struggling older readers. Teaching reading to students who have experienced repeated failure can be particularly challenging, as they may develop avoidance behaviors and negative responses.

Overwhelm for an older struggling reader might manifest in different ways:

  • Fight: Students (often witnessed by parents) crumple up homework or walk away in frustration.
  • Flight: Students might avoid tasks with excuses like, “I need to check my backpack,” or “I have to run to the bathroom.”
  • Freeze: They might put their head on the desk or stare blankly into space.

So, how do we help students focus and ensure they are doing the right things rather than trying to do everything at once?

I recently came across an insightful article on TIE Online by Amber Ham titled Slow but Steady: Unlocking the Secrets to a Successful School Year. Amber outlines strategies to create a successful learning support team, which are incredibly relevant for the teams I work with—parents, educators, specialists, and most importantly, older struggling readers.

A supportive team behind a struggling reader includes the reader, the teacher, parents, and anyone else involved with the student’s wellbeing. The team's strategies can balance the overwhelm that comes with consistent, effective planning and create a powerful support system. These strategies are applicable to any struggling reader, whether they are in a traditional school setting or learning independently.

For educators of older struggling readers, finding a balanced system can be particularly challenging. There’s so much we notice they need to practice, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Here are some key steps to guide the team behind the struggling reader:

  • Data-Driven Steps: Ensure that actions are the right ones, based on frequent data.
  • Mindful Breaks: Incorporate breaks to improve focus and motivation—not just for the students but for you too!
  • Stay Organized with Checklists: Use checklists to keep track of tasks and progress.
  • Standardize Procedures: Be consistent with scheduling throughout the week, and ensure daily tasks follow a procedure.
  • Chunk Tasks: Break down tasks into smaller, manageable pieces. Small action steps that can be met in 8-12 weeks will help reach bigger goals without feeling overwhelming.

By addressing behaviors, creating a supportive team, and following these key steps, we can help older struggling readers find their focus and succeed in their reading journey.

If you’d like help getting these strategies underway, call me here.

 #strugglingreaders #studentsupportteams #mindfulness #everybodyreads

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